For Identogo Fingerprinting Services, go to 611 Hammond Street, Suite 2, Bangor, ME 04401

We Can Perform Background Checks in the Whole State of Maine

Uncover the Truth

Background checks can be useful for individuals, attorneys and employers alike. Bangor Private Investigations, Inc. can use a variety of tools to uncover the details you need about anyone. We’ll gather the information you have and use it to uncover the information you don’t. When our work is done, you’ll have all the knowledge you need to make informed decisions about employees, clients, family members or future tenants. We can also perform  ink fingerprints for employment background check.

Our data can go back for as long as 20 years. Contact us now to begin working on the information gathering you need in Maine.

Reasons you may Require Information Gathering Assistance

Background checks may be needed for many different legal reasons. We can help you find contact information to serve papers, find someone avoiding the law, update an address and other scenarios. With our information gathering services, you can find the information and people you need to advance your case.

Connect with us now to schedule a meeting to discuss our information gathering services.

Bangor Private Investigations, Inc.


On a escale of A+ to F

Reviewed, Evaluated and Accredited

Meets All 8 Standards of Accreditation

BBB Accredited since 2019 for 2 years of continuous Accreditation

BBB Accredited: Wednesday, July 28, 2021
BBB Rating as of: Wednesday, July 28, 2021